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Album: photos:20021107

Carrion de los Condes - Terredillos de los Templarios
07 November 2002
Day's km: 26.5
Overall km: 763

This morning I awoke to a quickly moving little nun yelling Vamos! with a big smile. I dragged myself out of the bunk and was outside with the rest headed to the bar for coffee around 08:30. There I hurriedly addressed some postcards over a large café solo.

Today was colder than yesterday and I actually wore my fleece to the relief and satisfaction of everybody else. We all hiked together the whole day too which is a little unusual. There was a long stretch of nothing but fields and I think everyone was happy to have some conversation. I started picking up some Japanese words. Surprisingly, I have found it easier to remember than German.

It still is not as flat as Kansas or Nebraska, but it is much closer to that than before. I have a couple photos that I hope will accurately show what it is like. My favorite photo though was outside an albergue at the Pepsi machine that I bought a beer from for 1 €. Hard to get used to that.

Here in Terredillos del los Templarios there was a small incident at the albergue. It was closed up, and we were not sure if it was closed until later in the day or for the season. We were waiting around and Satoe crossed through the yard past the fence to check the sign and some neighbors saw a pilgrim poking around and called the owner who came over very angry because of the tresspass. Eventually she calmed down and seems quite nice now, but I was not sure we would be staying here tonight. Really she needs to put up a sign on the sidewalk if she does not want the last 4 days worth of pilgrims going around back. It is very common to use a side or back door at a refugio especially a door under a big sign saying Reception.

Anyway, that is where I am now catching up on my journal and a couple more post cards. And I have read ahead in my walkers guide and my cultural handbook. I should join the others and see what dinner plan are.

Available Images:

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Album created by album generator from MarginalHacks by Dave MadisonTue Feb 10 23:47:12 2009

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