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Album: journal:day04

Caughnawaga to grassy spot north of Lye Brook Wilderness
1 Oct 2005
Day 4
20 LT miles, 52.8 cumulative miles

Go figure. The day after I say that I don't need to do 15 mile days, I do 20. And it wasn't even planned. Originally I had planned to spend the night at Stratton Pond 15+ miles away, but I just kept walking. Indeed I walked long enough that I am writing this from the laundromat in Manchester Center on day 5.

The day started normally with me cooking up some freeze-dried huevos rancheros and getting on the trail by 08:20. It was easy mileage (read relatively flat) through cool forest. I was however, collecting spider webs like a hobo collects cans, except with my face. If I told you how many you wouldn't believe me.

I was close to Stratton Mountain and speeding down an old woods road when I stopped to ponder when I had last seen a blaze, the 4x6 white painted marks indicating the trail. Well it had been a while. I rationalized that since the LT was on the road and the road was so obvious there wouldn't be any blazes. But I knew the bitter truth: Extra walking. At least it was mostly flat. I probably cost myself 30-40 minutes there plust the foot and boot attrition. Bah.

Back on the trail I set a furious pace up Stratton Mountain which incidentally was a popular place this Sunday with an overfull trailhead parking area. Pop Tarts and Gatoraid can be a powerful combination. Then I saw a mirage. I swear I saw a fire tower through the trees. I saw it! "I must have made amazing time", is what I thought. I was uneasy though because it shouldn't be decidous forest near the summit, should it? Sure enough the trail kept going and going. Finally reaching the top I took the requisite climb to the top of the fire tower for the views.

Somewhere on the hike down from Stratton I realized that staying at the pond would leave me further from Manchester Center than I would like. So I watched the sunset from the pond and ate more Pop Tarts and hiked the length of the Lye Brook Wilderness in the dark.

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Photo album generated by album script from Marginal Hacks by DavidSun Apr 8 12:15:06 2018

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