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Album: photos:20021016

Lescar - Oloron-St. Marie
16 October 2002
Day's km: 30
Overall km: 236.5

To my horror, I discovered that I must have left my windbreaker/rainjacket in a hotel somewhere because I certainly am not carrying it. I learned this truth during the last couple hours of today's hike when I decided to stop and make my jacket easily accessible just in case. Fortunately, it did not rain more than a few drops and I now have an overpriced poncho for rainwear. At least I discovered this going into a decent sized small town where I could buy something to replace it.

I got to walk through a lot of woods today and over somewhat larger hills. The guy who ran last night's refuge said today would be difficult because of the hills. I do not really agree, but I suppose it was harder than the other days.

The Turism Office of Oloron-St. Marie was very helpful. They set me up with a Pilgrim Credential to be stamped along my trip and tried to fix me up with pilgrim accomodations, but they were closed so I am at another hotel.

Tonight's diner was 2 small pizzas from the pizzeria next door and a bottle of wine.

Available Images:

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Photo album generated by album script from David Madison's MarginalHacksTue Feb 10 23:43:49 2009

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