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Album: trips:United-States:OH:Freelands-Cave

Freelands Cave is located in Adams County, Ohio and is the state's longest surveyed cave at 708 m or 2323 ft. It is also noted for the rare Pseudanophthalmus ohioensis beetle found in only one other nearby cave. I joined my sister and four other members of the local spelunking organization (Cleveland Grotto) for a successful, albeit wet and muddy, crawl.

Although the entrance is a roomy 4m x 8m alcove, it quickly narrows to a crawl-and-stoopway with a stream flowing along the floor. There are not many decorations but small patches of gypsum, soda straws, minidraperies, and of course flowstone can be seen. Decaying material also gave parts of the cave a methane smell. The cave is best characterized as a single twisting passage through sharp Niagaran dolomite with lots of mud and water. In short we got wet and muddy and had an enjoyable time. My sister and I both took our digitals with us and did a good job of documenting the cave. Karen took some great movies too.

Available Images:

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Powered by album script from David Madison's MarginalHacksSun Apr 8 12:00:47 2018

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