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Album: photos:Zaleski

02 - 05 July 2005: Zaleski State Park Backpacking

An extended 4th of July weekend was spent in one of Ohio's better known backpacking locations, Zaleski State Park. Back in the days before the Appalachian Trail and while I was living in Toledo this was a location Bernie and I had thought about backpacking. We ended up in Shawnee State Forest a couple times instead. It was interesting to finally make the trip.

After warming my sister up on the O&E Canal Towpath, Karen was ready for her first multiday backcountry trip. The distance was only about 18 miles total so it was a gentle introduction. Most of our days were spent hanging around camp. It was a pleasant enough little trail.

In the upper right are links to eachs day's hiking. Check them out!

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Photo album generated by album tool from Dave's Marginal HacksSat Sep 20 16:29:50 2008

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