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Album: photos:20021029

Los Arcos - Logroño
29 October 2002
Day's km: 28
Overall km: 533

Easy hike to Logroño through fog but I left Pascal in Torres del Rio and Jackie evidently decided against coming here. She walked her bike with us yesterday, but today she rode off to parts unknown unsure of where she would stay the night. Most of the other pilgrims from the previous nights are here too. One, an Italian, had to stay in Torres del Rio for a couple days due to an injury and few more are developing limps. This is only the end of week 1 for them and none that I have spoken to have ever walked long distance before. I am seeing a lot of voodoo going on where the feet are concerned.

This albergue has some great services. Besides the usual kitchen which I am not using there is Internet access and a washer and dryer. I am showered and wearing genuinely clean clothes for once. My clothes were pretty rank. My backpack has developed quite an athletic aroma too, but I cannot toss that in the washer.

Tonight I am enjoying El Café del Mercado. For dinner it is cerveza and tapas. I tried the typical small ham sandwich and the more unusual salmon and squid slices on bread. Next, I am going to try the anchovies and octopus. After that, who knows. There is some sort of fish slab with onions beckoning me from behind the glass.

Available Images:

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Created with the tool album script from D. Madison's MarginalHacksTue Feb 10 23:46:09 2009

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