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Album: destinations:United-States:CO:Geneva Creek 4x4

This is the first trip I took with the new-to-me 2011 FJ Cruiser. I couldn't wait to try out the new wheels so the next day, I took an overnight trip to Geneva Creek. It is an easy 4 wheeling route and one that was both close and previously unexplored by me. It performed as expected and I had a great little overnight camping trip and drive up to the old mine Sunday morning.

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Photo album generated by album a MarginalHack by David LjungSat Apr 7 15:59:56 2018

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You can do everything right and still die or be seriously injured. Such is the nature of adventurous pastimes.
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Caveat lector. Think for yourself and make your own decisions.

index.php last modified on 07 April 2018 23:26:46 UTC