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Album: ciudad-perdida:photos:Day 6

Lost City Trek: Day 6

Rain arrived the moment we were about to depart. We waited and it didn't last very long. The humidity felt like it was still near 100% as we straggled out for the 4 hour sweat walk back to the village and the Jeep.

The walk was uneventful through this already well photographed terrain. El Gordo (Bonet), Idy, Arthur, and I had a final swim in the last (first) stream while waiting for Ester and Miriam. Hyper little Miriam has been more calm lately with all the exertion of the last couple days. Down in the village we discovered our vehicle hadn't and wouldn't arrive.

Instead we took a truck crammed with locals back to Santa Marta. We spent a cramped and jolting hour on a poor dirt road in the heat before we reached the main road and most of them got out. After a quick lunch we were back at Hotel Titanic.

I hope you've enjoyed your virtual trip with me to Ciudad Perdida. Stay tuned for more adventures.

Available Images:

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Photo album generated by album script from David's Marginal HacksSun Apr 8 12:08:40 2018

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index.php last modified on 09 April 2018 07:54:53 UTC