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Album: ciudad-perdida:photos:Day 2

Lost City Trek: Day 2

I could have used another hour or two of sleep this morning. The hammock is very comfortable, and the weather cooperated by being just warm enough that I could sleep without blanket or sleeping bag.

It wasn't long before we were sweaty animals on the trail. The sendero was lots of little ups and downs in and out of shadows. The humidity was killer. Sweat was cascading off all of us. I spent the day balancing my pack on my hips but off my shoulders for the most air circulation.

During today's hike we encountered our first indigenous village. It was built as if for photographers. It and it's setting above the river were something that anyone could take a good picture of.

In the second half of the walk we reached a stream crossing that had a nice pool in it that everybody soaked in. Clean, or as close to it as possible without soap. We spent a lot of time there cooling off and relaxing. With only another hour or so to camp 1 there was no rush. I took a ton of photos and movies to this point and I had to switch out my small 128 MB CF card for a 256 MB between the swimming hole and the camp (which also had a swimming hole of its own). It was still hot for that walk but quite bearable now that we were clean and fresh.

Camp 1 was a big pavilion. We and two other groups shared it this night. There were 27 hammocks swinging. One group had just come down and had only good things to say about what was ahead of us. It was here that I reduced my pack weight by 2L of bad wine (I had help). With that mission successful, I put myself to bed. The night was still nice but this time I had to pull out my fleece at 04h30.

p.s. Miriam is a little bit hyper.

p.p.s. For dinner they brewed up a special herb tea for those that wanted it.

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Created with the tool album script a script by David LjungSun Apr 8 12:08:34 2018

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index.php last modified on 09 April 2018 07:54:55 UTC