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Album: photos:20021115

Molinaseca - Cacabelos
15 November 2002
Day's km: 23
Overall km: 952

Well I fell asleep while writing yesterday's journal so this one is also a day late.

In the morning I left fair Molinaseca for Ponferrada with the intention of going on to Villafranca del Bierzo. This would have kept me with the group from last night, but I only made it as far as Cacabelos which is about 8 km short of Villafranca.

But the change was for good reasons. Ponferrada has a great castle to tour, plus bars, Internet cafes, and such. The castle was built over earlier fortifications for the Knights Templar in the 12th century but much more was added later. I spent a couple hours at the site. I am a bit surprised that the other peregrinos did not opt for the 2 € admission ticket. Other buildings in the city I viewed from the outside, but this one was definitely worth a detailed look.

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Created with the tool album script from David Madison's Marginal HacksTue Feb 10 23:48:32 2009

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