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Album: photos:20021104

Burgos - Hontanas
04 November 2002
Day's km: 30
Overall km: 687

I finished Burgos by visiting some of the places that I missed last night. So, I got a little later start, but saw some important sites. The museums I tried were still closed because it was out of season or Monday, but I was able to view some more of the city, some churches from the outside, the Catchefral again were I saw Eric, the statue of El Cid, the remains of the castle, the Arch of San Esteban, and the Hospital del Rey on my way out of town.

The hike out of Burgos through Villabilla, Tardajos, Rabé de las Calzadas, Hornillos del Camino, and Arroyo de San Bol, to Hontanas was not particularily noteworthy. Lots of open farm country crossed by only a few roads.

The refugio is nice enough, but we got sort of ripped off on the meal. Seven euros for noodles and salad is a bit steep, but the town does not have anything else.

There are two other Japanese here. Satoe finally gets to speak in her native tongue. She must be very happy.

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